SOCHI 2014 Toolkit: Free Printable Olympics Activities

Figure Skater Sonja Henie

Figure Skater Sonja Henie

Do you know the Olympic Creed?

The Spirit of the Games
“The most important thing in the Olympic
Games is not to win but to take part, just as the
most important thing in life is not the triumph
but the struggle. The essential thing is not to
have conquered but to have fought well.”
— Pierre De Coubertin, founder of the modern Olympic Games


Where did I find find this fun fact to stuff in your noodle?

A quick search lead me to this great link to a whole packet of Olympic Activies, including great links, and printables such as an Olympic scavenger hunt (pg 23)!

Find the pdf here.

*Disclaimer: I have not read every page of this file yet, therefore I don’t want to give the impression that I share whatever views may be found therein. But then, I might. I just won’t know till I look at the whole thing. See?

BONUS: See a really neat slide show of vintage Olympic Games Pics here at the Weather Channel’s Site.


Beat Summer Boredom (and the heat!): Ice Skating

Ice Skates

Ice skating has long been one of our favorite summer activities. Yep, you read me right. Typically a person would only think about ice skating as a winter thing– but let’s face it, it’s hot outside and you don’t want to be out there. Where we live, it’s just a real special kind of life-sucking humid sort of heat, too.

Now, imagine how wonderful it feels when you enter that ice rink and suddenly your lungs are free to breathe in all of that fresh crisp air. It’s like a brick has been lifted right off of your chest! Have I convinced you yet?

We’re very fortunate here in that ice skating is very reasonably priced–only $2 each if you bring along a group. Our rink requires only 10 skaters for this, and it’s not hard to convince people to go! A quick email through our homeschool group’s chain made for about 30+ skaters yesterday, and we had a blast! Some rinks even have free days. So why are you still reading this? Call your local rink and see if you can make a deal!