The Truth About Bikinis

I know with the cold weather in many places, most people aren’t thinking about swimsuits yet. However, the summer season will soon be upon us, and suits are on the racks of many retail stores already.

Below is a refreshing viewpoint on swimsuits and modesty from a thinking young lady who took matters into her own hands when she had a difficult time finding a suit to suit her ๐Ÿ™‚

The Godly Truth About Bikinis – FINALLY Someone Gets It!

Don’t Ever Use the Word “Gifted”

Gifted Children @ Three Cornered Hug

I’ve seen a lot of posts lately about gifted children. These have ranged from complaints that the public schools can’t handle them, to comments on how teachers think you’re saying your child is “better”, to parents who want people to wake up and realize that every child is gifted. While all of these have elements of truth to them, when I hear this word, I’ve a completely different thought. Grandma.

If you’ve read my blog regularly, you may know that my paternal grandmother was a retired teacher who fully supported my homeschooling endeavors. At an early age, she recognized that my son was extremely bright. And although we were both excited at the opportunities that homeschooling offers for such a child, she gave me one piece of advice that I’ll never forget: “Sarah, never use the word ‘gifted’ in front of him”.

I didn’t ask her what she meant, but have followed her directions to this day.

Now this is the place that I could go on forever with commentary about my thoughts on this subject, but I think I will leave you to ponder this statement, the ramifications of using such a word, or whether it matters at all…just as she allowed me to do.

We Skip School

…and you should too.

Three Cornered Hug“We’ve been wondering, do you guys get snow days?”, asked our next door neighbor. “No, we take “sun” days.”

We’ve often surprised people with our year-round school schedule. Snowy days–we do play outside. BUT we also do school. There’s no reason not to. Summer days are the same way. Remember those long, boring dog days of summer? We don’t have those. Yes, we go swimming and do theme parks. BUT we also do school. That’s how we fill up the rest of the time when our friends are on vacation, etc.

So, do we ever take time off? Absolutely. You know those wonderful, sun-shiny days, when the temperature is just right? When the smell of the fresh air is intoxicating, and your eyes keep wandering toward the window? That’s when we call up some friends and run away to the park or go hiking. WE SKIP SCHOOL.

There have been other times as well. One beautiful fall, we just randomly took a week off and ran away to Chicago to visit my Aunt. (However, I guess going to the Museum of Science and Industry or visiting Chinatown would qualify for educational experiences.) When my husband has the chance to go somewhere cool for work- we go too. (Again, arguably still school.) When my mom had surgery and needed help, when my sister was in a car accident- WE SKIPPED SCHOOL.

That’s the great thing about homeschooling, the great thing about doing school the way we do: a flexible schedule. There’s such a freedom in it. We can take off and not sweat it. Do I want my child to know that learning is important? YES. However, I also want him to know that enjoying life is equally important. I want him to realize that there’s more to know than what can be learned inside of four walls.

A Boy, a Bike, and a Bribe: Father Knows Best?

Photo Credit: Mario Alberto Magallanes Trejo

Photo Credit: Mario Alberto Magallanes Trejo

Sweat was running down my…everything. I panted in the hot sun as I ran alongside my son’s bicycle, holding on to the handlebars and seat. As I labored, little Mr. Car Lover, was smiling and looking around from his perch on the bicycle seat, chanting out the names of the different vehicles he saw. “Cadillac Escalade, Honda CR-V, Buick Rendezvous…” I looked down–


Argh! Here was my almost 7 year old child, still with training wheels, and no ambition to attempt a two-wheeler. Usually, I believe in letting kids go at their own pace, but there were three problems with this.

1. He was about to need a bigger bike, he was out growing his current model.
2. I was imagining how much harder it would be to run alongside a teenager’s bike.
3. It just seems to me that riding a bike falls into that category of “Things you’re expected to know”.
4. (Who’s counting?) My pride might have played a smallish part.

When his Dad came home one evening, I expressed my frustrations with the whole thing, and so he took matters into his hands. That weekend, he took our son out front and marched back in triumphantly about 20 minutes later, announcing that said son had ridden to the end of the block by himself! “HOW DID YOU MANAGE THAT!?”, I asked incredulously. “Offered him $20 bucks if he could get to the end of the street.”

I was crazed! Not only am I wholly against bribing kids, but he was able to do something I had utterly failed at! And the child wasn’t even very interested in money!

Just the other day, I was reminded of this story which is why I’m telling it now. Looking back, I’d say it’s a good example of the fact that a father’s methods, however different, are not necessarily wrong. In fact, they may be just the thing your child needs. However, I do want to mention that, however effective this was, it’s not something we’ve adopted as a regular practice. ๐Ÿ™‚


Cooking: Not My Hobby

Empty Plate

Remember the green bean and squash casserole from yesterday? Well, like most things in my life, there’s a great story that goes with it!

My husband delivered some of the said casserole to the neighbor who had given us the green beans, and she had a nice little anecdote for him. Apparently, when my son had gone to pick up the beans per her request a few days prior, she had asked him if his mother cooked. The answer: “Yeah, but it really isn’t her hobby”!!!!

Hmph! That’s a long way from the three year old who would invite everyone over for dinner. “Mommy is a good cook. She’ll make you eggs,” he’d promise.

Why do they have to grow up!?

But, he was right. After years of daily cooking, I’ve finally become proficient at it, but cooking is still not my thing. Which is how I know the recipe category on this blog will likely always be the most sparse.

He’s in the middle of it all

I had been fighting to get out of the house for the better part of a recent Saturday. What was holding me back, I had no clue. Stuff, I guess. Trying to get things cleaned up, trying to get family issues worked out.

After piddling around for the day, I finally got the loose ends tied up to my satisfaction. By early afternoon I got in the shower and was ready to go. Where? Where else? Bargain hunting of course. Those who know me know that it’s always at the front of my mind. But I was restless and didn’t feel like I wanted to hunt in the same old places. The Salvation Army came to mind. Every other thrift shop in town sees my face on a regular basis, but I had only visited the Salvation Army a total of…well there was that one time I went several years back. And then, there are all those other times that I briefly considered going by…those count, right?

The Salvation Army here is in a funny niche between two one way streets about 5 minutes from my house. It took me…well let’s not talk about the fact that I…look I did know the general area in which it was located. I was just enjoying the view. A nice relaxing drive. With my face up by the wheel. My eyes squinting at every sign…

Anyhow, as I drove up to the shop, I saw a familiar vehicle. I also saw a familiar man looking under the hood of that vehicle. Joe and his wife, Pat, are related to our Pastors and go to church with us. It so happens that Joe has Parkinson’s disease, and I knew that he was in no condition to be outside working on a car in the heat wave we were experiencing. As it turned out, their car had died and they didn’t have any jumper cables. The thrift shop was closing in a short time, and there were not many cars to be seen anywhere in this part of town.

In short order I was able to come up with a set of cables, and with a phone call and a few minutes I had a husband there to help us get everything squared away. (How did he know exactly where the place was?)

As I drove away from the scene a few minutes later, I had so many questions. What if I had left the house earlier, or not wasted so much time trying to find the shop? What if I had been any later? What made me decide to go there anyways? And I knew.

Although our friends were so grateful for the help, I knew that I was the one who had truly been blessed that day. So much has been going on in my life lately, and I needed the reassurance I received. In all things God is working. And by and by I will see how it’s all been for the good.